Now, where was I again...?

A decidedly not ordinary teenager's mind wanderings and commentary on the world at large.

Tuesday, July 31, 2001

A better mousetrap. What an expression. You'd think people would realize by now that the only thing better than the mousetraps we've got is an exterminator.

But seriously, there needs to be a different expression for an inventor's brainchild. Think about the people who pour their blood, sweat, and tears into their creation, only to have it dismissed as, "Oh, a better mousetrap, huh?" So many of the people who design little things have their works dismissed as inane gadgetry by people who don't realize they probably couldn't live without those "inane gadgets."

So my goal (or another of many) is to become one of those little people who invent little things (aspiring inventors and underappreciated mechanical engineers), and then bring grandeur into the land of "better mousetraps."

Friends, I can kind of figure out, and I can live with 'em. Real family, on the other hand, is worse. Much worse, seeing has how you don't choose them, and you have to live with them all the time. It's much harder to reconcile differences in that situation. In my family, resolving a problem often requires employing some sort of violence and serving some sort of punishment. Wouldn't it be so much simpler if we could just be friends, and then I could go off and live with the people who should have been my family?

Indubidably. But that's not the way it works.

Friends are interesting creatures. You can joke with them, you can laugh with them, you can confide in them, you can fight with them, you can reconcile with them, and so much more. After enough of this stuff, you come to realize that these people, who put up with all this crap from you, and whose crap you put up with in return, are more than just friends. They're the famiy you should have had.

Or maybe that's just me.

In any case, I owe this revelation to my brother. (and the fight we had today.) Yes, it all started out as a joke, but it's come to be a truer sibling relationship than the ones I have with my real siblings. So our fights will always be resolved, eventually. And I'm glad, because it's hard enough to lose a good friend. It'd be harder to lose a brother.

In lieu of a tape recorder, I have procured a "memo book." It works well, as my thoughts (the ones that are intelligible to begin with) still move at a speed that pencil and paper can capture them.

Sunday, July 29, 2001

Now, this is really great... Now that I'm able to say something, I no longer have anything to say... Damn... Where was all that stuff I was wandering around and muttering to myself? I need a tape recorder...

Oh, no... I am turning into Dave...

It's really interesting how most adults seem to have forgotten their teenage years... Personally, I don't blame some of them, as their teenage years were probably hell... But others really should. Then there wouldn't be all this misunderstanding about privellidges... And I wouldn't be "banned" from the computer and unable to update my ramblings... And you, my dear readers (if I have any) would be entertained, or offended, as is your wish...

Friday, July 27, 2001

This concept of putting whatever you want to up on the public stage is absolutely fascinating to me. You could put any mindless drivel on the page, and, chances are, someone would read it... Amazing, absolultely amazing... Which means that there are probably a hell of a lot of idiots out there, posting stuff... but that there are also a few choice Individuals that have entrusted their jewels of thought to the world... Well, world, here you go... judge me...