The whole concept of summer reading isn't bogus. No, I see it as perfectly reasonable to requires students to read books for school that they might not read otherwise. I even accept that we're required to think about them and attempt to understand them.
No, what i find intolerable about summer reading is the pointless writing assignments surrounding each book. What purpose do chapter-by-chapter summary/analysis/charachter development logs serve? I know what the book's about, I comprehend the role each character plays in the weaving of the plot, and I see the hidden messages and the "big picture" in the story. I
don't see the need to dissect it and put each part into a lined-paper specimen jar. This is art, not science! You can't categorize every nuance of a writer's style, nor should you try. In my eyes, torturing writing like that is the eighth deadly sin.
Or maybe that's just my opinion as a writer. I know I would much rather have any work of mine appreciated as a beautiful whole, than have it clinically picked apart and judged that way.
Which makes me think twice about publishing anything. What if what I write is considered of literary merit? Will schoolchildren all over the world have my writing shoved down their throats in chopped-up little pieces? Will inept but well-meaning teachers feed it to them, fortified with meanings I never gave it, and symbolism I never intended, while the true spirit of the piece is ignored?
I hope not. But that's the risk of reaching out, and it's one I'm willing to take.
But I've still got summer reading to do. Bah.