Oh, would that dying could solve all my problems. But it won’t, and I know it won’t. Yes, it would remove me from my mother’s influence, but it would also remove me from the one I love. I cannot abandon him like that. I have too much love for him to leave him. Yes, I could prove my freedom of choice by choosing to die, but what would I choose, by choosing that? I have no way of knowing what waits for me on the other side of that choice. That unknown scares me almost more than the thought of losing my love.
So what is left for me to do? I cannot kill myself to end all my troubles, I cannot even deaden my sense of self so that I feel no pain, and therefore feel as if I have no troubles. I have tried, god, how I have tried. I don’t want to hear, or see, or feel anything, but I can’t stop myself from it.
Perhaps it’s better that way, though. My mind is not at peace, and, god knows, it probably isn’t a good place to be, alone. Perhaps I just don’t need the escape badly enough, yet. I’m not angry enough, desperate enough, stupid enough, or insane enough, yet, to hurt anyone but myself.
Hurt myself? Oh my god, what am I thinking? But it’s true. Every day that I continue to hold it all in, every day I continue to bear it, I hurt myself more. My health is deteriorating, I cry too much, and I always feel that I haven’t had enough sleep.
Sleep. Is that the answer? To sleep, perchance to dream, forever and ever and ever? It’s almost too much like death, except, in sleep, I know what to expect. And I would not want to wake up.
My thoughts run away with me too fast for me to write down, but at least I now know what they mean: Depression. But will anyone believe me? And, even if they do, will anyone care? I have a strong feeling that my mother, at least, will only blame me.
I need help…